One must be careful when incentivizing content.

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It's wild to me that this hasn't been done sooner and while I think this is a decent first step, the long term play is to give creators more overall stake in the platform since a platform's success is already a function of how invested content creators are. This could include a larger share of the profits but also extend to influencing the roadmap of the platform, the guidelines and moderation of the platform and many other concerns that are already top of mind for career minded creators.

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Ads not being tailored to the content they are next to would lead me to believe that TikTok has to sell all their ads for around the same price (assumption). I’d think this would hurt TikTok in the long run since they can’t price discriminate to specific ad buyers, thus making their supply/demand curves inefficient (leaving money on the table). Thanks for the thought-provoking notes, Hank!

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A further question: have you researched creators’ claims that joining the fund affects their algorithm placement? (i.e. views start to trend down)

May be baseless, but I’ve read complaints that have me curious.

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