Helpful article--thank you! I'm curious to learn more about why you believe TikTok paying creators isn't as important as one might think. Unlike Facebook that can get away with quick posts because of family connections, TikTok relies on quality content, which is extremely time-consuming. I don't see how someone would have time to earn a livelihood while simultaneously creating quality content, which makes me think this element is actually very important for the creators, the platform, and the users/viewers.

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I've been hearing you talk about this on Twitter for a while and I think this article is a good and interesting summation. Definitely something to be aware of and I wonder how older platforms like youtube might take a look at tiktok and try to adjust themselves to compete

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This is a great article! It's so interesting to learn more about they mechanics of Tik Tok and why it's so addictive for viewers as well as creators. Thank you for this helpful information!

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